Yesterday I spent the afternoon rummaging through a number of storage tubs, thinning things out, getting rid of things I hadn't looked at in years, etc. Amongst the "debris" I found an old binder thing with clippings in it. I used to subscribe to Family Fun magazine and clip like crazy. Cake ideas, costumes, travel, etc. In the very last section, there were several pages about Passover. Funny, since Passover is next week. There was a recipe for yummy almond matzoh bark and also for creating your very own, custom Elijah and Miriam's cups.
So, being the ever crafty gal I am, I pulled out tissue paper, modge podge and three glass tumblers that have been taking up space on a shelf in the kitchen.
I ripped and cut and slathered my way to three custom designs. I thought, hmmm, can't drink out of them now, can I? My awesomely creative husband said, "stick a candle in them." Eureka!
A fun, easy, impromptu project. No expensive supplies or skills needed. Sparkly threads wrapped around might be cool, too!
Yours in Creativity!
These are super duper cute - and what a great project for little ones!!
Posted by: Mod Podge Amy | 04/13/2011 at 01:10 PM
Thanks Amy!
Posted by: Michelle | 04/14/2011 at 01:19 PM